Executive Summary

After amending AB257 on August 25, the Senate voted to pass the bill. Immediately thereafter on the same day, the Assembly voted to pass AB257 in concurrence with Senate Amendments. The bill now moves to the Governor’s desk for signature which is expected to occur on Labor Day.


After three readings, on August 29, 2022, the Senate voted to pass AB257 with 21 ayes, 12 noes, and 7 no-votes-recorded. The bill then immediately moved to the Assembly for a vote in concurrence where it passed with 47 ayes, 19 noes, and 14 no-votes-recorded. The bill now moves to the Governor’s desk for signature.

Looking Forward

The Governor is likely to sign AB257 on this upcoming labor day. We will hold our full analysis until that occurs.

As always, our team stands ready to assist your business with all of its franchising needs.  If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the authors listed below.

Thomas O’Connell – Tom O’Connell is a Shareholder at Buchalter APC, where he serves as Chair of the firm’s Franchise Law Practice and Chair of Litigation for the firm’s San Diego office.

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