Executive Summary

The California Assembly Committee on Judiciary passed AB257 without amendment five days after the California Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment. The bill now moves to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations for consideration.


On April 27, 2021, California Assembly Committee on Judiciary passed AB257 with 7 ayes, 3 noes, and 1 NVR. The bill will now move to the California Assembly Committee on Appropriations.

Looking Forward

The primary jurisdiction of the California Assembly Committee on Judiciary is family law, product liability, tort liability, Civil Code, and Evidence Code. Nevertheless, it voted to allow the potentially unconstitutional Fast Food Sector Council to move forward unmodified as well as the radical expansion of joint employer liability that attacks a specific business segment. It is highly unlikely that the Committee on Appropriations will make any substantive changes to either provision and the bill will eventually move to the floor for a vote.  

This article was originally published on the California Franchise Network.

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Thomas O’Connell – Tom O’Connell is a Shareholder at Buchalter APC, where he serves as Chair of the firm’s Franchise Law Practice and Chair of Litigation for the firm’s San Diego office.

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